How are twins formed? (Isha Bhatia Sanan) Video

VideoHow are twins formed?
ArtistIsha Bhatia Sanan
Sehat Talk with Isha Bhatia Sanan: How are twins formed?

एक बार में सबसे ज्यादा बच्चे पैदा करने का रिकॉर्ड माली की एक महिला के नाम है, जिसने मोरक्को जा कर एक साथ नौ बच्चों को जन्म दिया. लेकिन कोख में एक साथ इतने सारे बच्चे बनते कैसे हैं?

Script & Concept: Isha Bhatia Sanan
Camera: Gianni Di Biase
Editing: Anand Desai, Gianni Di Biase

In this video:

00:10 One in every 2000 people are born as intersex.
00:35 What is third gender?
01:00 What are chromosomes and how do they define gender?
01:40 Where are the XX and XY chromosomes?
02:26 How is a girl or boy formed in the womb?
02:48 Is there a way to make the Y chromosome stronger?
03:15 Who are intersex people?
03:45 What are ovotestis?
04:10 Is it possible to have XXY or only X chromosome?
04:25 Can third gender or intersex people be treated?
05:00 How many intersex are there in this world?
05:10 What does kinner mean?
05:17 What is the difference between intersex and transgender?
06:00 What is the difference between gender and sexuality?
06:15 What is lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual?
06:55 Who is a queer?

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